Blue Access for Producers

About ANSI 5010 and ICD-10

As you likely know, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has mandated that all "covered entities" (clearinghouses, vendors, providers, insurers, etc. who have access to digital personal health care data) convert to the new ANSI 5010 transaction set by January 1, 2012. These are the electronic forms that transmit member and provider data between those covered entities. (A more complex transition involving diagnosis and procedural codes is planned for 2013.)

These changes will have very little impact, if any, on most employer groups. It may impact those groups (estimated at less than two percent of all) that transmit benefit enrollment and maintenance data using the 834 ANSI transaction. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois [BCBSIL] has already contacted these employer groups to inquire if they're planning to convert to the new transaction set.

BCBSIL is on schedule to meet all compliance dates - ANSI 5010 by January 1, 2012, and ICD-10 by October 1, 2013. Producers can e-mail with any questions.

Producers can e-mail with any questions.

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