Ombudsman Program Protects Residents in Long-term Care Facilities
Posted January 6, 2022
Are you aware of the Illinois Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP), which helps residents assert their civil and human rights? Mandated by the federal Older Americans Act and the Illinois Act on Aging , the program is a resident-directed advocacy program which protects and improves the quality of life for residents in a variety of long-term care settings.
How the Program Works
Volunteers of the LTCOP visit long-term care facilities in their communities to empower and help residents resolve complaints. The program:
- Empowers seniors and adults with disabilities to self-advocate.
- Provides information to residents about their rights, long-term care options, supports and services in nursing facilities and in the community.
- Investigates complaints and concerns. The volunteers listen to understand an issue from the resident's perspective.
- Maintains confidentiality. Ombudsmen volunteers may not discuss or disclose any information without the individual's permission.
The program is available free of charge to:
- Individuals 18 or older who are either a current resident, a prospective resident, or a former resident of a long-term care facility, as well as friends and relatives of persons who live in long-term care facilities.
- Long-term care facility staff members and administrators with resident-related concerns.
- Individuals and families who are considering long-term care facility placement as a long-term care option.
- The community at large; and other interested groups concerned about the welfare of residents of long-term care facilities.
For more information visit the LTCOP page on Illinois Department on Aging.
The above material is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for the independent medical judgment of a physician or other health care provider. Physicians and other health care providers are encouraged to use their own medical judgment based upon all available information and the condition of the patient in determining the appropriate course of treatment. References to third party sources or organizations are not a representation, warranty or endorsement of such organizations. The fact that a service or treatment is described in this material is not a guarantee that the service or treatment is a covered benefit and members should refer to their certificate of coverage for more details, including benefits, limitations and exclusions. Regardless of benefits, the final decision about any service or treatment is between the member and their health care provider.